Logging in

The simplest way for existing users to log in is to:

  1. Select Teamline in the Apps section of Slack. 
  2. Send a message to Teamline simply saying "login"
  3. Teamline will reply with a login link which will take you directly to the Teamline web app and automatically log you in. 

Log in for the first time

Because Teamline works directly with your Slack team, it doesn't have a separate username or password - you just log in with your Slack details.

First, check if Teamline is already in your workspace.
  1. In Slack, select the plus (+) icon next to the Apps section in your left navigation pane.
  2. Search Teamline.
  3. If Teamline comes up "In your workspace" click view to continue creating a login. If Teamline comes up in "add apps to your workspace" simply click install to get started.

Once Teamline is installed in your workspace, follow the next steps to get logged in. 

Helpful Hint

There is no way to log in to Teamline with a username and password. The ONLY way to log in to Teamline is through your Slack workspaces.

Logging in

  1. Go to https://my.teamline.app
  2. Click the Login with Slack button, you will be redirected to Slack
  3. Enter the name of your workspace, then your email address and password
  4. If it is the first time logging into Teamline on your device or browser, you may be directed through a couple of extra steps to allow Teamline to access your Slack workspace, invite team members and connect Slack channels.

Helpful Hint

If you spell your Slack workspace name incorrectly you may accidentally create multiple Teamline accounts. Check your Slack workspace URL before you log in to Teamline. 

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