Viewing and editing a section

Viewing Sections

In Teamline you have two ways to view sections

  • View tasks grouped into sections within your project
  • View sections in your left navigation bar

You can toggle between these two views by selecting or deselecting "Show tasks in sections" when viewing a project. 

Editing Sections

If you would like to re-name a section, first make sure to be in the section task list. To do this deselect the "show tasks in sections" option so all your sections are shown in the left navigation bar (see above instructions). Then click on the section you would like to edit.

To make edits, click the cog (⚙️) at the top of the section task list, and select "edit section".

Deleting Sections

If you need to delete a section, simply click into the section task list. To do this deselect the "show tasks in sections" option so all your sections are shown in the left navigation bar (see above instructions). Then click on the section you would like to edit.

Click the cog (⚙️) at the top of the section task list, and select "edit section".

Choose "remove" and "Confirm Remove" to delete that section.

Helpful Hint

Any tasks will automatically be moved to the overall project once a section is deleted.

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