Who can see my tasks?

Teamline is designed to make your team more open and transparent. By default, that means that most tasks are visible to the entire team, and tasks in private groups are only visible to private group members. You can mark tasks "Private" which restricts access, so other people can't see those tasks.

There are three types of tasks, each with different privacy:

  • Normal tasks (most tasks in teamline)
    These are visible to everybody in the team
  • Tasks in private groups/channels
    Teamline lets you create tasks inside any channel or private group. When you create a task in a private group (or move an existing task into a private group), it will only be visible to other members of that private group
  • Private tasks
    These are indicated with a shield icon beside the task name. You can mark any task private, and it will be visible to only yourself, plus task assignees. After making a task private, you can also add other task viewers

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